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   Bug information about Astah
     Layout of Flowchart could be broken when copying and pasting over two .asta files

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Posted on: 2015/8/10 17:24
Joined: 2006/4/27
Posts: 287
Layout of Flowchart could be broken when copying and pasting over two .asta files
1. Production Version
Astah Professional 7.0

2. Description
Layout of Flowchart could be broken when copying and pasting it over two .asta files only if the transition lines were drawn in "Line (Right Angle)" style.

3. Solution
When the layout is broken after pasting the Flowchart, switching the line style to [Line], and then switching back to "Line (Right Angle)" will fix the layout. Here's the step:

(1) Select all the lines on the Flowchart
(2) Go to the tool bar and choose the 4th button from the right, and select [Line].

(3) Then switch it back to [Line (Right Angle)].

This should fix the layout of the Flowchart.

4. Status
This will be fixed in the future release.

5. Bug ID
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