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Journey from Agile To Lean -- My thoughts after UK Lean Kanban Conference

Author: hiranabe (3:55 pm)

I have attended three days of UK Lean Conference held in London. To Agile practitioners like me, it was an eye-opener to a whole wider view of software development. Here's a thought I got.

What was Agile to me:

Agile was something important missing from "Software Engineering" in the real world software development. Agile found that the bottle neck of software development was not in software engineering part any more(did you read the Demarco's Software Engineering: An Idea Whose Time Has Come and Gone?), and it was in social activities that connect software development with business. For example, Scrum can be seen as a set of role definitions and communication patterns between business and development. And the important thing was that the value was not in the software itself but in the business. Agile kind of extended the engineering thinking to the social part of development, which may be called "social engineering"(Ivar Jacobson used this saying).

So let's say Agile is a connector between business and software engineering.

What is Lean to me:

But the world of business was not only software, of course. From the business perspective, IT or software development is just one activity in the value stream of a company. It adds values together with other parts of the business in the stream such as markeing, accounting, and etc.

So, I find Lean is more a company wide initiative that makes the value flow from concept through development(where I live in) to c ash(or customer needs).

I drew a "T-shape" model that expresses my thought.

Chris Matts model:
Chirs Matts

told me (on the dinner party table, BTW) a completely different view of Agile and Lean. His model is a matrix of consciousness and competence.

While Agile focuses on solving conscious issues to make an incompetent organization competent, Lean makes the conscious competent organization to unconscious competent mode, which can be done by knowledge translation. Yes, Lean companies do competent operations unconscously.

Chris has more to say to this diagram, but I'll leave it to him.
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Posted: 2013/5/14 10:09  Updated: 2013/5/14 10:09
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 Succeed days of yore you recently noticed a deviant gene developing in your DNA, the lionized gene of photography?
Obtain you recently noticed a creative gene developing in your DNA, the eminent gene of photography? Bear you be de rigueur artistic with your digital camera overnight and are you enjoying the results of your versed parental instincts? If your riposte is yes then sanction to me felicitate you primary and then recite that it is the boyfriend as a replacement also in behalf of the treatment of your na‹ve born nipper and a yearning to expropriate every once in a blue moon candy present on its teeny face.
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A baby photography can be appointed in the services of established occasions, but you as a originator can pass most of the valuable period at worker being close to the neonate as a conservation to most of the time. Your babe's vernissage yawn, plank, tears, toady, steps are all withdrawn, so nothing can lull forth you from proper an learn at rage photography. All you basic is some observations of viewpoint, innovative ideas and the reasonableness of flashlight required seeking photography (not grin radiantly reflection). So jostle to your digital camera as photographs of babies are not exclusively a walk down the rescind lane, but also a cherished good seeking posterity.

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Posted: 2013/6/18 17:13  Updated: 2013/6/18 17:13
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Posted: 2013/7/10 15:05  Updated: 2013/7/10 15:05
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Posted: 2013/8/10 22:34  Updated: 2013/8/10 22:34
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Posted: 2013/8/11 15:27  Updated: 2013/8/11 15:27
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Posted: 2013/8/24 17:11  Updated: 2013/8/24 17:11
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Posted: 2013/9/30 15:17  Updated: 2013/9/30 15:17
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Posted: 2013/12/4 14:22  Updated: 2013/12/4 14:22
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Posted: 2013/12/5 22:35  Updated: 2013/12/5 22:35
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Bedtime snacks can assist keep youngsters feeling full and satisfied till morning, but they will additionally keep some children from feeling motivated to eat their night meal. Ellyn Satter, a registered dietitian and therapist, notes that oldsters are accountable only for offering wholesome meals at common intervals and that folks mustn't drive youngsters to eat what the dad and mom supply. As an alternative, the dad and mom should trust the youngsters to know their very own bodies. As such, if you'd like to supply a bedtime snack however still want your children to eat their dinner, you must plan your meals and snacks correctly.

Ultimately the problem seems to be that the Up is not actually superb at telling whenever you're asleep and while you're not. And the truth that you need to manually inform it when it is bed time, in contrast to the Basis band, only exacerbates matters. One morning I forgot to take it out of sleep mode and the Sensible Alarm went off quarter-hour after I got away from bed and was making a pot of coffee. Other days it was clear upon reviewing sleep knowledge that the accelerometer inside just can't differentiate between laziness and actual sleep.

While I perceive that it is utterly logical to compare tastes when figuring out which of the 2 beverages is finest, it will tough to say. Whereas I could argue that the almond milk is most well-liked in my home for this reason alone, it's a subjective level and thus I will only focus on which to choose primarily based on what they offer nutritionally. Depending on what you are searching for in a non-dairy beverage one may be higher than the other. The almond milk presents fewer calories so it may very well be a good selection for those weight-reduction plan. The selection relies on what your food plan needs.

The media is stuffed with articles saying that the four hundred mg of vitamin D3 is just too little to protect you in opposition to cardiovascular issues, that you probably need 1,000 mg. But what occurs if you have a genetic variation or mutation that communicates to your physique differently, where once you take vitamin D3 and calcium in dietary supplements or at excessive food intakes, that the calcium doesn’t go into your bones, but into the arteries and valves around your coronary heart? Will vitamin K2 in the MK-7 kind shield you from calcification when you have this genetic variation? And the place can you find out if it will?

In line with the Worldwide Meals Data Council (IFIC) vitamin/meals security staff, whereas there are vitamin controversies virtually too numerous to say, a pair stand out – food ‘myths’ (or misinformation) in regards to the security/health advantages of consuming fish and seafood, particularly canned tuna; and continuing misinformation concerning the safety of low-calorie sweeteners, equivalent to Aspartame. For further data, check out the IFIC’s website. Scrambled eggs are easy to make, delicious to east, they usually additionally come with plenty of dietary benefits. Learn the next article and find out about the dietary values of scrambled eggs.

Meals allergic reactions impacts six to seven million People, in accordance with the Food Info Council's (IFIC's) publication, titled, the Media Information See the IFIC Basis Media Information, chapter nine, web page 1 titled, "What ought to be on meals labels?" Have you ever been assigned to put in writing a research paper to your vitamin class? Clueless on what to put in writing about? Listed below are just a few topics and ideas that may assist. These are simply five ideas to your vitamin project. When you nonetheless cannot determine on a topic, visit the library and flick thru nutrition books till you discover a subject that fascinates you. Pleased Writing!

One younger man Joshua helped was trapped in a every day commute to an uninspiring company job crunching numbers, and grabbing a donut and occasional for breakfast. By simply swapping his coffee and donut breakfast for whole grain cereal with fruit, the young man began thinking extra clearly. He seemed deep inside and found his passion to help people turn into more healthy. He left his job to assist others discover their ardour by balancing work, life and food. He marshaled his in depth IIN community and encouraged customers, docs, health coaches, mother and father, chefs and the business neighborhood to make their voices heard on a proposed ban on trans fats

Equally, the disturbing indisputable fact that it is now "the norm" to nuke dinner within the microwave or get takeout a couple of instances a week does not mean we as well being professionals ought to encourage that as long as portions are small. It has turn out to be the norm for People to have credit-card debt, however you would be exhausting pressed to discover a financial advisor who will say, "Eh, $four,000 in credit score-card debt is no biggie. Most individuals have $20,000!" With infant components sales in the United States declining due to a falling start fee and an increase in breastfeeding, developing nations - China foremost among them - are system corporations' biggest alternative.

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Posted: 2013/12/7 13:57  Updated: 2013/12/7 13:57
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 Помогите к
Спасибо, мне тут в личку подсказали хороший сайт, я там зарегистрировалась и уже заказала раскрутку группы, так же лайки мне накидали )))
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Posted: 2014/1/3 22:46  Updated: 2014/1/3 22:46
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Posted: 2014/1/4 3:20  Updated: 2014/1/4 3:20
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Posted: 2014/1/28 17:37  Updated: 2014/1/28 17:37
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 My blog
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Posted: 2014/2/17 14:48  Updated: 2014/2/17 14:48
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 Schizmatykow sza slyszeli rakoczy

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Posted: 2014/2/17 23:21  Updated: 2014/2/17 23:21
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 Realistami potracily zablakanych sekretarki

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Posted: 2014/2/19 17:27  Updated: 2014/2/19 17:27
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 Zgrzytaja rozpatrzenie zwiazkow wywalil

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Posted: 2014/2/19 17:29  Updated: 2014/2/19 17:29
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 Opowiedziala radzieccy skrewil odwazy

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Posted: 2014/2/22 23:58  Updated: 2014/2/22 23:58
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Posted: 2014/2/23 0:00  Updated: 2014/2/23 0:00
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Posted: 2014/2/25 16:17  Updated: 2014/2/25 16:17
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Posted: 2014/2/25 16:19  Updated: 2014/2/25 16:19
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Posted: 2014/2/26 7:55  Updated: 2014/2/26 7:55
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Posted: 2014/2/26 7:58  Updated: 2014/2/26 7:58
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Posted: 2014/2/26 10:12  Updated: 2014/2/26 10:12
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Posted: 2014/2/26 10:14  Updated: 2014/2/26 10:14
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Posted: 2014/3/12 10:49  Updated: 2014/3/12 10:49
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Posted: 2014/3/15 2:59  Updated: 2014/3/15 2:59
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Posted: 2014/3/17 3:55  Updated: 2014/3/17 3:55
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Posted: 2015/11/21 20:56  Updated: 2015/11/21 20:56
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Posted: 2015/11/21 20:56  Updated: 2015/11/21 20:56
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 legacy of the void torrent
You are Hierarch Artanis, leader of the mighty protoss race. Years ago, your homeworld of Aiur fell to the merciless zerg Swarm. Now, at long last, you have raised a powerful fleet of warships known as the Golden Armada, and are poised to reclaim your world. But an ancient evil—Amon—threatens this destiny and the fate of the entire galaxy. Only you can reunite the protoss factions and defeat the coming darkness before it consumes all life in the sector.
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Posted: 2015/12/22 19:55  Updated: 2015/12/22 19:55
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Posted: 2015/12/24 4:34  Updated: 2015/12/24 4:34
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Posted: 2015/12/31 8:07  Updated: 2015/12/31 8:07
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Posted: 2016/1/5 6:33  Updated: 2016/1/5 6:33
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Posts: 11
 A website for ##### and #####
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This website is committed to ##### fanatics who want to understand the newest updates and news on motion pictures, techniques but additionally around the famous actors and the most popular actresses of the moment. An interactive website viewable in all media for your intimate needs, but also to put you in interference in ##### and his whole universe. Also to introduce you to new practices, but also the most common, though an essential support for your #####ual needs of inspiration.

A free popular ##### web site for those

Most ##### websites <a href="">video #####</a> will not be totally free, in either the accession or even the providers provided. yet with all the photos, news and videos, along with other merchandise is free. The most interesting, it is the content that will heat the Internet users, because the texts, videos and images are likely to thrill men and girls get wet. In order to increase their notoriety are visible on the site to bring some of inspiration, but also spice up the ##### life of everyone who visits our site, all accessible by all media and free, everything related to ##### and his world will be present up mostly, positions, accessories and practices couples who perform for fun.

#####graphy: ally or opponent? The issue never ever ceases to discussion. To the stage it was decided which a scientific log committed fully for the subject would be released shortly.

Previous Could, the writing house Routledge has declared wants to start in 2014 ##### studies, the very first worldwide diary focused on study regarding societal products and services considered #####graphic.

In order to denounce the "bias" of this review and requests that are recognized harmful aspects #####, a petition was launched, however. The manifesto, sponsored with the Us feminist business Cease ##### Traditions, can be as practices:

While we recognize that ##### and its particular customs deserve and require to become assessed more critically, we have been profoundly worried - as academics,experts and activists, health care professionals and teachers - of objectives and intentions of your overview and drafting, which consists of uniformly professional-porn.

Containers studies and conclusions without the need of foundation?

Gail Dines, professor of sociology, <a href="">video #####</a> shared with the Guardian newspapers that "editors originate from a community where by professional-porn are denied the findings tons of investigation on the negative effects of ##### These are like ... environment skeptics. They utilize cans studies and bring complete results baseless ".

The petition proposes two alternatives: sometimes modify the publishers at the mind from the evaluation by those with more diverse perspectives or rename the record Professional-porn reports. At the moment, more than 900 people have previously approved the petition, including professors and Uk and American citizen academics.

One of them, the majority are denouncing a biased overview. George Deabill, #####ual intercourse therapist and marriage and family specialist, claims by way of example: "I are in agreement with the point that both sights ought to be provided ##### could be beneficial as dangerous and scientific studies affirming those two features must be printed. ". For Janice Williams, "it is crucial that the controversy is well-balanced."

A significant appearance

At the beginning the newspaper adverts will "explore by using a essential eye" ##### and relevant subject matter, which suggests a certain impartiality. Merely the background and views in the publishers could have generated this sort of distrust. It remains to wait until the first publication to find out if these accusations are founded or not.

If a study dated June 2012 has found that having recourse to ##### could have negative effects on intimate relationships, a study in the month of April 2013 suggests that ##### might not influence the #####ual risk behavior as much as we previously thought, nevertheless, the impact of #####graphy is uncertain. The puzzle remains unsolved.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2016/1/7 10:25  Updated: 2016/1/7 10:25
Just popping in
Joined: 2015/12/30
Posts: 11
 A web site for #####ual activity and #####
A website for ##### and #####

This web site is committed to ##### lovers who want to know the latest news and updates on videos, practices but also in the stars and the most common actresses of the minute. Also to put you in interference in ##### and his whole universe, even though an interactive website viewable in all media for your intimate needs. An essential support for your #####ual needs of inspiration, but also to introduce you to new practices, but also the most common.

A totally free popular ##### web site for those

Most ##### websites <a href="">video #####</a> are not free, either in the accession or even the professional services offered. yet because of the videos, news and photos, and also other items are free of charge. It is the content that will heat the Internet users, because the texts, images and videos are likely to thrill men and girls get wet, the most interesting. In order to increase their notoriety are visible on the site to bring some of inspiration, but also spice up the ##### life of everyone who visits our site, all accessible by all media and free, everything related to ##### and his world will be present up mostly, accessories, positions and practices couples who perform for fun.

#####: ally or enemy? The concern by no means ceases to controversy. To the stage which it was decided that the clinical diary committed totally for the subject could be released soon.

Last May possibly, the writing residence Routledge has introduced plans to start in 2014 ##### research, the initial international record focused on the research into ethnic products and services regarded #####graphic.

In order to denounce the "bias" of this review and requests that are recognized harmful aspects #####, a petition was launched, however. The manifesto, sponsored from the United states feminist business End ##### Traditions, is really as practices:

Basically we acknowledge that ##### and its particular traditions deserve and require to become reviewed a lot more critically, we are deeply concerned - as academics,activists and experts, health care professionals and educators - of objectives and intentions in the evaluation and drafting, which includes uniformly expert-porn.

Cans conclusions and studies without having foundation?

Gail Dines, professor of sociology, <a href="">prono</a> shared with the Guardian paper that "editors originate from a world where expert-pornography are denied the findings a lot of analysis on the negative effects of ##### They can be like ... environment skeptics. They prefer cans scientific studies and pull complete findings baseless ".

The petition suggests two choices: either change the publishers on the head from the assessment by those with a lot more diversified views or rename the log Pro-porn research. Currently, above 900 individuals have previously agreed upon the application, which includes teachers and Uk and American citizen academics.

One of them, most are denouncing a biased overview. George Deabill, ##### therapist and marriage and family specialist, states by way of example: "I go along with the truth that each landscapes ought to be offered ##### could be valuable as hazardous and reports confirming those two elements ought to be released. ". For Janice Williams, "it is vital that this controversy is well balanced."

A crucial seem

Initially the publication advertisements will "investigate having a critical eyesight" ##### and connected subject matter, which implies a specific impartiality. Merely the background and views in the editors would have produced such distrust. It remains to wait until the first publication to find out if these accusations are founded or not.

Nevertheless, the impact of #####graphy is uncertain if a study dated June 2012 has found that having recourse to ##### could have negative effects on intimate relationships, a study in the month of April 2013 suggests that ##### might not influence the #####ual risk behavior as much as we previously thought. The mystery remains to be unsolved.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2016/1/10 8:56  Updated: 2016/1/10 8:56
Just popping in
Joined: 2015/12/30
Posts: 11
 An internet site for ##### and #####
An internet site for gender and #####

This page is dedicated to ##### enthusiasts that want to know the newest news and updates on videos, methods and also around the actors and typically the most popular actresses of your second. Also to put you in interference in ##### and his whole universe, even though an interactive website viewable in all media for your intimate needs. Also to introduce you to new practices, but also the most common, though an essential support for your #####ual needs of inspiration.

A no cost hot ##### web site for many

Most ##### websites <a href="">free #####</a> will not be totally free, either in the accession or maybe the professional services supplied. yet with the news, photos and videos, along with other items are cost-free. It is the content that will heat the Internet users, because the videos, texts and images are likely to thrill girls and men get wet, the most interesting. In order to increase their notoriety are visible on the site to bring some of inspiration, but also spice up the ##### life of everyone who visits our site, all accessible by all media and free, everything related to ##### and his world will be present up practices, accessories, mostly and positions couples who perform for fun.

#####: ally or opponent? The question in no way ceases to discussion. To the stage which it was determined that the clinical log dedicated totally for the subject matter can be published in the near future.

Previous Might, the posting house Routledge has released intends to launch in 2014 ##### research, the very first international log focused on the study of social services and products regarded #####graphic.

However, a petition was launched in order to denounce the "bias" of this review and requests that are recognized harmful aspects #####. The manifesto, subsidized from the United states feminist firm Stop ##### Traditions, can be as practices:

Basically we acknowledge that #####graphy as well as its traditions require and deserve to be examined more critically, our company is deeply anxious - as academics,activists and experts, health care professionals and educators - of objectives and intentions of the evaluation and drafting, which consists of uniformly pro-porn.

Cans studies and conclusions without having basis?

Gail Dines, professor of sociology, <a href="">video #####</a> advised the Guardian newspapers that "editors come from a community exactly where expert-porn are rejected the a conclusion a lot of research on the negative effects of ##### They may be like ... weather conditions skeptics. They use containers scientific studies and draw total findings baseless ".

The petition suggests two choices: either alter the editors at the mind from the review by people with a lot more diversified views or rename the log Expert-porn studies. Presently, around 900 folks have already authorized the petition, such as professors and British and United states academics.

And this includes, many are denouncing a biased review. George Deabill, #####ual intercourse therapist and marriage and family therapist, says as an example: "I accept the fact that both landscapes should be provided ##### can be helpful as harmful and reports confirming both of these aspects ought to be published. ". For Janice Williams, "it is vital that this controversy is balanced."

A crucial appear

In the beginning the magazine advertisements will "investigate using a critical vision" ##### and connected subject areas, which suggests a specific impartiality. Just the background and views in the publishers might have created these kinds of distrust. If these accusations are founded or not, it remains to wait until the first publication to find out.

Nevertheless, the impact of #####graphy is uncertain if a study dated June 2012 has found that having recourse to ##### could have negative effects on intimate relationships, a study in the month of April 2013 suggests that ##### might not influence the #####ual risk behavior as much as we previously thought. The suspense stays unsolved.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2016/1/10 8:57  Updated: 2016/1/10 8:57
Just popping in
Joined: 2015/12/30
Posts: 11
 A website for ##### and #####
A web site for gender and #####

This website is devoted to ##### lovers that want to understand the most recent news and updates on motion pictures, procedures but in addition around the actors and the most popular actresses of your minute. Also to put you in interference in ##### and his whole universe, even though an interactive website viewable in all media for your intimate needs. Also to introduce you to new practices, but also the most common, though an essential support for your #####ual needs of inspiration.

A no cost warm ##### internet site for all those

Most ##### sites <a href="">prono</a> usually are not free, in a choice of the accession or maybe the professional services presented. but because of the news, photos and videos, and also other items are free. The most interesting, it is the content that will heat the Internet users, because the videos, images and texts are likely to thrill men and girls get wet. Everything related to ##### and his world will be present up practices, mostly, accessories and positions couples who perform for fun in order to increase their notoriety are visible on the site to bring some of inspiration, but also spice up the ##### life of everyone who visits our site, all accessible by all media and free.

#####: ally or foe? The concern by no means ceases to argument. To the stage that it was made the decision that a scientific record committed totally towards the subject matter can be printed quickly.

Final Might, the writing residence Routledge has announced wants to launch in 2014 ##### research, the very first global journal focused on study regarding cultural services and products regarded #####graphic.

In order to denounce the "bias" of this review and requests that are recognized harmful aspects #####, a petition was launched, however. The manifesto, sponsored from the American citizen feminist organization Quit ##### Traditions, is just as practices:

Basically we recognize that #####graphy as well as its traditions require and deserve being examined more critically, our company is profoundly involved - as academics,experts and activists, health care professionals and educators - of intentions and objectives of your review and drafting, which is made up of uniformly master-porn.

Cans conclusions and studies without having groundwork?

Gail Dines, professor of sociology, <a href="">video #####</a> informed the Guardian paper that "publishers originate from a community where pro-pornography are declined the conclusions tons of investigation on the side effects of ##### They can be like ... weather skeptics. They use cans research and attract full findings baseless ".

The application suggests two possibilities: possibly alter the publishers in the brain of the evaluation by those with much more diverse views or rename the journal Expert-porn reports. Right now, above 900 individuals have already signed the petition, such as teachers and Uk and United states academics.

Among them, the majority are denouncing a biased evaluation. George Deabill, #####ual activity therapist and marriage and family specialist, states as an example: "I agree with the reality that each landscapes needs to be presented ##### may be helpful as unsafe and research verifying both of these aspects ought to be released. ". For Janice Williams, "it is crucial that the discussion is healthy."

A significant appearance

At the beginning the newspaper advertising will "discover by using a essential eyes" #####graphy and connected subjects, which shows a specific impartiality. Just the background and views from the publishers would have generated this sort of distrust. It remains to wait until the first publication to find out if these accusations are founded or not.

Nevertheless, the impact of #####graphy is uncertain if a study dated June 2012 has found that having recourse to ##### could have negative effects on intimate relationships, a study in the month of April 2013 suggests that ##### might not influence the #####ual risk behavior as much as we previously thought. The secret remains to be unsolved.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2016/1/10 8:57  Updated: 2016/1/10 8:57
Just popping in
Joined: 2015/12/30
Posts: 11
 A website for ##### and #####
A website for ##### and #####

This web site is focused on ##### lovers who want to are aware of the newest updates and news on movies, procedures but in addition in the famous actors and the most popular actresses in the moment. An interactive website viewable in all media for your intimate needs, but also to put you in interference in ##### and his whole universe. An essential support for your #####ual needs of inspiration, but also to introduce you to new practices, but also the most common.

A free of charge very hot ##### web site for many

Most ##### websites <a href="">prono</a> will not be cost-free, in both the accession or maybe the services supplied. yet with the news, photos and videos, along with other merchandise is free. It is the content that will heat the Internet users, because the videos, texts and images are likely to thrill men and girls get wet, the most interesting. In order to increase their notoriety are visible on the site to bring some of inspiration, but also spice up the ##### life of everyone who visits our site, all accessible by all media and free, everything related to ##### and his world will be present up positions, mostly, accessories and practices couples who perform for fun.

#####graphy: ally or foe? The concern by no means ceases to discussion. To the level that it was determined that the clinical record dedicated completely to the subject could be released soon.

Last Could, the posting home Routledge has declared intends to start in 2014 ##### reports, the first overseas diary committed to the research into ethnic products and services considered #####graphic.

In order to denounce the "bias" of this review and requests that are recognized harmful aspects #####, a petition was launched, however. The manifesto, sponsored by the United states feminist organization Cease ##### Customs, is really as practices:

While we recognize that #####graphy as well as its customs require and deserve to get analyzed far more critically, our company is significantly worried - as academics,activists and experts, health care professionals and teachers - of objectives and intentions of the review and drafting, which contains uniformly master-porn.

Cans conclusions and studies without the need of groundwork?

Gail Dines, professor of sociology, <a href="">prono</a> advised the Guardian newspapers that "editors originate from a community in which pro-porn are rejected the a conclusion a lot of study on the negative effects of ##### These are like ... weather conditions skeptics. They use cans reports and draw whole conclusions baseless ".

The petition suggests two options: sometimes affect the editors on the head in the evaluation by those with far more diversified perspectives or rename the record Pro-porn studies. Currently, above 900 people have already signed the petition, which includes professors and United kingdom and American citizen academics.

One of them, the majority are denouncing a biased assessment. George Deabill, gender counselor and family and marriage therapist, affirms for instance: "I accept the point that both sights needs to be presented ##### could be beneficial as unsafe and research affirming both of these factors should be published. ". For Janice Williams, "it is important that it discussion is balanced."

A crucial look

At first the magazine advertising will "discover with a vital eye" #####graphy and connected topics, which implies a particular impartiality. Simply the background and views of your editors could have made this kind of distrust. It remains to wait until the first publication to find out if these accusations are founded or not.

Nevertheless, the impact of #####graphy is uncertain if a study dated June 2012 has found that having recourse to ##### could have negative effects on intimate relationships, a study in the month of April 2013 suggests that ##### might not influence the #####ual risk behavior as much as we previously thought. The mystery remains unsolved.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2016/1/10 8:58  Updated: 2016/1/10 8:58
Just popping in
Joined: 2015/12/30
Posts: 11
 A web site for #####ual intercourse and #####
An internet site for #####ual activity and #####

This page is dedicated to ##### fanatics who would like to are aware of the newest news and updates on movies, techniques but in addition in the stars and the most famous actresses of your second. Also to put you in interference in ##### and his whole universe, even though an interactive website viewable in all media for your intimate needs. Also to introduce you to new practices, but also the most common, though an essential support for your #####ual needs of inspiration.

A free of charge very hot ##### site for many

Most ##### web sites <a href="">video #####</a> are certainly not free of charge, either in the accession or even the services offered. nevertheless because of the photos, videos and news, along with other items are free of charge. The most interesting, it is the content that will heat the Internet users, because the texts, videos and images are likely to thrill girls and men get wet. Everything related to ##### and his world will be present up mostly, positions, accessories and practices couples who perform for fun in order to increase their notoriety are visible on the site to bring some of inspiration, but also spice up the ##### life of everyone who visits our site, all accessible by all media and free.

#####: ally or opponent? The concern by no means ceases to argument. To the point that it was determined a technological diary committed entirely towards the subject matter would be posted soon.

Very last May, the submitting residence Routledge has released wants to start in 2014 ##### scientific studies, the initial international diary dedicated to the research into social products and services regarded #####graphic.

In order to denounce the "bias" of this review and requests that are recognized harmful aspects #####, a petition was launched, however. The manifesto, subsidized with the American citizen feminist firm Quit ##### Customs, is as practices:

Basically we agree that #####graphy as well as its traditions require and deserve to get assessed more critically, our company is profoundly anxious - as academics,activists and experts, health professionals and educators - of objectives and intentions in the evaluation and drafting, which contains uniformly professional-porn.

Cans studies and conclusions without having basis?

Gail Dines, professor of sociology, <a href="">prono</a> informed the Guardian paper that "editors originate from a planet where by professional-porn are declined the a conclusion a great deal of analysis on the negative effects of ##### They are like ... environment skeptics. They normally use containers studies and pull full conclusions baseless ".

The petition proposes two choices: both change the editors at the head in the review by people with a lot more diverse viewpoints or rename the log Professional-porn reports. At the moment, around 900 people have currently agreed upon the petition, such as instructors and British and Us academics.

One of them, lots of people are denouncing a biased assessment. George Deabill, ##### specialist and family and marriage counselor, says as an example: "I go along with the point that each opinions needs to be offered ##### can be valuable as dangerous and studies confirming those two factors should be released. ". For Janice Williams, "it is essential that the controversy is balanced."

A vital appearance

At the beginning the journal ads will "investigate having a essential eyesight" #####graphy and relevant subject areas, which shows a specific impartiality. Merely the views and background in the editors will have generated this kind of distrust. It remains to wait until the first publication to find out if these accusations are founded or not.

If a study dated June 2012 has found that having recourse to ##### could have negative effects on intimate relationships, a study in the month of April 2013 suggests that ##### might not influence the #####ual risk behavior as much as we previously thought, nevertheless, the impact of #####graphy is uncertain. The puzzle remains unsolved.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2016/1/12 5:07  Updated: 2016/1/12 5:07
 [Sale] Kalashnikov Fullz | CVV | Dump + PIN | WU Transfer | Logins
- We are a group of elite Russian hackers, please don't contact us looking for free samples.
- We are available only via Jabber. There is no email to contact us.
- We are looking for long term business, thus #####s are available for bulk purchases and for repeated #####ers.
- we are ##### 24/7.



I will send the WU transfer and provide you with the MTCN + Senders' details. Using this info, you can pick up the ##### at any WU office. The process takes around 30 minutes. But please pick up the ##### within 3 hours. No refund, if you dont pick up the ##### within this time window.

Doing transfers of up to $2000 only for new #####ers.
Info I need from you: The persons name who will pick up ##### and his city and country.

# CVV (Kalashnikov Fullz)

You provide me with the BIN for which you need the CVV, and I will give you the CVV. Depending on the BIN, I might or might not have the fullz, I will obviously let you know beforehand what all info I have with me.

Usually the format is:
Card Number|Exp|CVV|Name|Address|City|State|zip|Country|Phone|DOB|SSN|OS Type|Browser|Last IP used|Facebook Profile URL

I usually recommend to use CCCleaner to clean the flash cookies before making purchase, and use the socks to match the cc info, plus use a new email id to match the card holders name, and use same browser which is given to you in the records.

# Dump + PIN

T1 + T2 + Pin or Track1 + Track2 + Pin aka Dump + Pin are for sale as well. They are fresh from the skimmers.

# Logins

Contact me to check availability of the logins, from time to time, I get the logins to the banks, paypal, and shops like amazon, bestbuy, etc.

# How to #####

Contact us on the Jabber to get the pricing and to #####.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2016/1/15 1:32  Updated: 2016/1/15 1:32
Just popping in
Joined: 2015/12/30
Posts: 11
 A web site for gender and #####
A website for ##### and #####

This website is committed to ##### fans who want to be aware of most up-to-date updates and news on movies, practices but in addition in the actors and the most popular actresses of your second. Also to put you in interference in ##### and his whole universe, even though an interactive website viewable in all media for your intimate needs. Also to introduce you to new practices, but also the most common, though an essential support for your #####ual needs of inspiration.

A totally free very hot ##### internet site for all those

Most ##### web sites <a href="">free #####</a> are not free, in both the accession or perhaps the services supplied. nevertheless with the news, photos and videos, along with other merchandise is cost-free. The most interesting, it is the content that will heat the Internet users, because the images, texts and videos are likely to thrill men and girls get wet. In order to increase their notoriety are visible on the site to bring some of inspiration, but also spice up the ##### life of everyone who visits our site, all accessible by all media and free, everything related to ##### and his world will be present up practices, positions, accessories and mostly couples who perform for fun.

#####: ally or adversary? The query by no means ceases to debate. To the stage that it was decided which a clinical diary dedicated fully towards the issue would be posted quickly.

Very last May, the writing residence Routledge has introduced intends to start in 2014 ##### studies, the initial international log dedicated to the study of ethnic products and services deemed #####graphic.

However, a petition was launched in order to denounce the "bias" of this review and requests that are recognized harmful aspects #####. The manifesto, subsidized with the United states feminist organization End ##### Tradition, is really as follows:

Basically we acknowledge that ##### and its particular customs deserve and require to become analyzed much more critically, our company is profoundly involved - as academics,experts and activists, health professionals and educators - of intentions and objectives in the assessment and drafting, which consists of uniformly master-porn.

Cans studies and conclusions without the need of base?

Gail Dines, professor of sociology, <a href="">free #####</a> shared with the Guardian paper that "publishers originate from a world where pro-pornography are denied the findings a lot of analysis on the negative effects of ##### They are like ... weather conditions skeptics. They prefer containers reports and draw total conclusions baseless ".

The petition proposes two options: sometimes alter the editors at the brain in the overview by those with much more diversified perspectives or rename the diary Expert-porn reports. At the moment, more than 900 many people have currently approved the petition, which include instructors and British and American academics.

And this includes, most are denouncing a biased overview. George Deabill, #####ual activity specialist and marriage and family specialist, claims as an example: "I go along with the truth that equally sights needs to be introduced ##### might be helpful as hazardous and research confirming those two aspects should be released. ". For Janice Williams, "it is vital that it controversy is well-balanced."

A significant look

At first the newspaper advertising will "explore using a essential eyes" ##### and relevant subject matter, which indicates a specific impartiality. Only the views and background from the publishers would have produced these kinds of distrust. If these accusations are founded or not, it remains to wait until the first publication to find out.

If a study dated June 2012 has found that having recourse to ##### could have negative effects on intimate relationships, a study in the month of April 2013 suggests that ##### might not influence the #####ual risk behavior as much as we previously thought, nevertheless, the impact of #####graphy is uncertain. The secret continues to be unsolved.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2016/1/20 9:24  Updated: 2016/1/20 9:24
Just popping in
Joined: 2015/12/30
Posts: 11
 A web site for gender and #####
A site for ##### and #####

This website is dedicated to ##### lovers who would like to know the newest updates and news on films, procedures but in addition in the famous actors and the most common actresses of the minute. An interactive website viewable in all media for your intimate needs, but also to put you in interference in ##### and his whole universe. An essential support for your #####ual needs of inspiration, but also to introduce you to new practices, but also the most common.

A totally free hot ##### website for all those

Most ##### sites <a href="">video #####</a> are not free, either in the accession or even the services presented. nevertheless because of the news, videos and photos, along with other merchandise is totally free. It is the content that will heat the Internet users, because the videos, images and texts are likely to thrill men and girls get wet, the most interesting. Everything related to ##### and his world will be present up practices, positions, accessories and mostly couples who perform for fun in order to increase their notoriety are visible on the site to bring some of inspiration, but also spice up the ##### life of everyone who visits our site, all accessible by all media and free.

#####graphy: ally or adversary? The issue never ceases to argument. To the point which it was determined a technological log dedicated entirely to the subject matter will be printed soon.

Previous May possibly, the writing property Routledge has declared intends to release in 2014 ##### reports, the very first global record committed to the research into societal products and services regarded as #####graphic.

However, a petition was launched in order to denounce the "bias" of this review and requests that are recognized harmful aspects #####. The manifesto, subsidized through the United states feminist business Stop ##### Tradition, is really as adheres to:

Basically we agree that #####graphy and its particular traditions require and deserve to become reviewed a lot more critically, we are profoundly worried - as academics,experts and activists, health care professionals and educators - of objectives and intentions of the overview and drafting, which includes uniformly master-porn.

Cans studies and conclusions without having foundation?

Gail Dines, professor of sociology, <a href="">free #####</a> informed the Guardian local newspaper that "editors originate from a entire world exactly where pro-porn are denied the a conclusion tons of analysis on the negative effects of ##### They can be like ... weather conditions skeptics. They prefer cans reports and draw total a conclusion baseless ".

The application suggests two alternatives: possibly affect the publishers on the brain of your evaluation by people who have a lot more diversified points of views or rename the journal Master-porn studies. Right now, more than 900 folks have already signed the application, which includes instructors and British and United states academics.

One of them, the majority are denouncing a biased assessment. George Deabill, #####ual intercourse counselor and family and marriage counselor, states by way of example: "I accept the fact that the two sights must be presented ##### can be beneficial as dangerous and research verifying both of these elements needs to be released. ". For Janice Williams, "it is vital that it discussion is healthy."

A crucial seem

Initially the publication advertising will "check out by using a vital vision" #####graphy and connected subject matter, which shows a definite impartiality. Simply the views and background of your publishers might have generated this kind of distrust. It remains to wait until the first publication to find out if these accusations are founded or not.

If a study dated June 2012 has found that having recourse to ##### could have negative effects on intimate relationships, a study in the month of April 2013 suggests that ##### might not influence the #####ual risk behavior as much as we previously thought, nevertheless, the impact of #####graphy is uncertain. The mystery stays unsolved.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2016/2/1 12:10  Updated: 2016/2/1 12:10
Just popping in
Joined: 2015/12/30
Posts: 11
 A site for #####ual activity and #####
A web site for gender and #####

This site is devoted to ##### lovers who want to be aware of newest news and updates on movies, practices but additionally around the famous actors and the most common actresses of your second. An interactive website viewable in all media for your intimate needs, but also to put you in interference in ##### and his whole universe. An essential support for your #####ual needs of inspiration, but also to introduce you to new practices, but also the most common.

A free of charge very hot ##### internet site for all those

Most ##### web sites <a href="">prono</a> usually are not free, in a choice of the accession or even the professional services provided. but because of the videos, news and photos, and also other items are cost-free. The most interesting, it is the content that will heat the Internet users, because the texts, videos and images are likely to thrill men and girls get wet. In order to increase their notoriety are visible on the site to bring some of inspiration, but also spice up the ##### life of everyone who visits our site, all accessible by all media and free, everything related to ##### and his world will be present up mostly, positions, accessories and practices couples who perform for fun.

#####graphy: ally or adversary? The concern never ceases to controversy. To the stage that it was made a decision that the technological record focused fully on the issue could be released soon.

Very last May, the posting home Routledge has declared offers to launch in 2014 ##### scientific studies, the initial international diary devoted to the research into societal services and products regarded #####graphic.

In order to denounce the "bias" of this review and requests that are recognized harmful aspects #####, a petition was launched, however. The manifesto, sponsored from the American feminist business Stop ##### Traditions, is as follows:

While we agree that ##### and its culture require and deserve being assessed more critically, we have been profoundly anxious - as academics,experts and activists, health care professionals and teachers - of intentions and objectives from the assessment and drafting, which includes uniformly master-porn.

Cans studies and conclusions with out base?

Gail Dines, professor of sociology, <a href="">video #####</a> informed the Guardian newspapers that "editors result from a world where pro-pornography are denied the conclusions a lot of study on the side effects of ##### They are like ... climate skeptics. They utilize cans studies and attract whole results baseless ".

The petition proposes two options: both change the publishers at the mind from the review by individuals with far more diverse points of views or rename the record Professional-porn studies. Presently, over 900 individuals have previously signed the petition, which include professors and British and American citizen academics.

One of them, most are denouncing a biased review. George Deabill, gender therapist and marriage and family therapist, states for example: "I are in agreement with the point that each landscapes must be provided ##### may be useful as unsafe and studies verifying both of these aspects needs to be posted. ". For Janice Williams, "it is important that this controversy is well balanced."

A critical appearance

At the beginning the publication ads will "investigate having a critical eye" ##### and connected subject matter, which indicates a definite impartiality. Simply the background and views of your publishers would have created this sort of distrust. If these accusations are founded or not, it remains to wait until the first publication to find out.

If a study dated June 2012 has found that having recourse to ##### could have negative effects on intimate relationships, a study in the month of April 2013 suggests that ##### might not influence the #####ual risk behavior as much as we previously thought, nevertheless, the impact of #####graphy is uncertain. The secret stays unsolved.

Poster Thread
Posted: 2016/2/3 9:40  Updated: 2016/2/3 9:40
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Joined: 2015/12/30
Posts: 11
 An internet site for gender and #####
A web site for #####ual intercourse and #####

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#####graphy: ally or adversary? The issue by no means ceases to debate. To the point that it was made a decision that a technological diary devoted completely to the topic could be posted soon.

Previous May, the writing house Routledge has introduced wants to kick off in 2014 ##### studies, the very first international log focused on the study of ethnic products and services deemed #####graphic.

However, a petition was launched in order to denounce the "bias" of this review and requests that are recognized harmful aspects #####. The manifesto, sponsored from the Us feminist firm Quit ##### Tradition, can be as practices:

While we acknowledge that #####graphy along with its tradition require and deserve to be assessed far more critically, our company is profoundly worried - as academics,activists and experts, health care professionals and educators - of intentions and objectives from the assessment and drafting, which includes uniformly master-porn.

Cans studies and conclusions with out basis?

Gail Dines, professor of sociology, <a href="">prono</a> informed the Guardian local newspaper that "publishers are derived from a planet where by expert-pornography are refused the conclusions tons of investigation on the negative effects of ##### These are like ... climate skeptics. They utilize containers studies and pull complete conclusions baseless ".

The application suggests two choices: either modify the publishers on the go in the overview by individuals with far more diverse views or rename the record Master-porn studies. Currently, above 900 individuals have currently authorized the application, which includes professors and English and American citizen academics.

And this includes, most are denouncing a biased overview. George Deabill, #####ual activity counselor and family and marriage counselor, states for instance: "I are in agreement with the truth that equally landscapes needs to be offered ##### could be useful as harmful and reports verifying these two factors needs to be printed. ". For Janice Williams, "it is important that it controversy is balanced."

A vital look

In the beginning the newspaper ads will "explore by using a crucial eyesight" #####graphy and associated subject areas, which suggests a definite impartiality. Only the views and background of your publishers could have generated these kinds of distrust. It remains to wait until the first publication to find out if these accusations are founded or not.

If a study dated June 2012 has found that having recourse to ##### could have negative effects on intimate relationships, a study in the month of April 2013 suggests that ##### might not influence the #####ual risk behavior as much as we previously thought, nevertheless, the impact of #####graphy is uncertain. The suspense stays unsolved.

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Posted: 2023/2/5 13:27  Updated: 2023/2/5 13:27
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Joined: 2012/7/18
Posts: 1
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