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     Jude crashes in Ubuntu Linux

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Posted on: 2006/12/13 20:24
Jude crashes in Ubuntu Linux
Post from Daniel Canton as a guest

I'm trying to execute jude_community on Ubuntu Linux 6.10, but it crashes. Here is what it says:

dcanton@ubuntu:~/jude_community$ ./jude
/home/dcanton/.themes/LiNsta-GTK2/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:50: Failed to parse property value " GTK_SHADOW_NONE " for `GtkStatusbar::shadow-type'
/home/dcanton/.themes/LiNsta-GTK2/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:51: Failed to parse property value " GTK_SHADOW_NONE " for `GtkSpinButton::shadow-type'
KeyStr = is invalid
# An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
# SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x8d2f3f2e, pid=18190, tid=2352155552
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_06-b05 mixed mode)
# Problematic frame:
# C [] Java_sun_awt_UNIXToolkit_readGTKIconData+0x3b2
# An error report file with more information is saved as hs_err_pid18190.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:

I have properly set up Java 5 SDK environment.
Posted on: 2006/12/14 8:43
Joined: 2006/6/6
Posts: 969
Re: Jude crashes in Ubuntu Linux
Thank you for your post, Daniel.

To execute JUDE on Linux, please follow these steps.

1. Set up Java environment.
2. Unzip JUDE download file (zip).
3. Edit Shell script (jude) for your running environment.
4. Add the execute permission to Shell script (chmod 755 jude).
5. Execute Shell script (jude).

*This is mentioned on FAQ on JUDE Wwebsite.

Linux is not officialy supported for JUDE yet but we have received some reports that JUDE works on Linux by following this procedure.

Hope it works. If it didn't, please let us know.

Posted on: 2006/12/16 5:56
Re: Jude crashes in Ubuntu Linux
Post from Daniel Canton as a guest

That's what I did and It doesn't work.
Posted on: 2006/12/18 11:54
Joined: 2006/6/6
Posts: 969
Re: Jude crashes in Ubuntu Linux
Thanks for your reply.
Although it didnt work.. hmmm, We will check out this problem.

Would you tell me which version of JUDE/Community you were
trying to run?

Is there anyone else whos having the same problem!?

-Best regards,
Posted on: 2007/1/11 1:46
Re: Jude crashes in Ubuntu Linux
Post from bob rivoir as a guest

When I bring up Jude on Solaris, it emits the following error message in the console window as seen in the previous post:

KeyStr = is invalid

Jude appears to come up successfully, though. But I'm just beginning to use it so I don't know yet if I'll see problems later.
Posted on: 2007/1/11 10:17
Joined: 2006/6/6
Posts: 969
Re: Jude crashes in Ubuntu Linux
Thank you very much for sharing the information with us, Bob.

We have not tested JUDE on Solaris so it is a very valuable info for us even though we don't currently support Solaris with JUDE officially.

Which version of JUDE, and Solaris are you on?
If you found any problems, would you please let us know again? It would be much appreciated.

Posted on: 2007/1/11 23:54
Re: Jude crashes in Ubuntu Linux
Post from bob rivoir as a guest

I'm running the latest version of Jude Community (3.1.1) on Solaris 8. I'll try to post any problems I find that have not been posted yet.
Posted on: 2007/1/12 9:35
Joined: 2006/6/6
Posts: 969
Re: Jude crashes in Ubuntu Linux
Thank you for your quick reply, Bob.

And I appreciate it very much that you are going to inform us the problems you find in JUDE on your environment.
Posted on: 2007/1/25 23:58
Re: Jude crashes in Ubuntu Linux
Post from Don Kittle as a guest

I am running Jude 3.0.3 on Ubuntu 6.10 (Dapper Drake) with no problems. I used to run an older version of Jude on Breezy Badger and it ran just fine too. My Sun JDK was installed using Synaptic Package Manager, but I've also run Jude using JDK 6 betas (beta1 and beta2 for Linux).

Posted on: 2007/1/29 8:56
Joined: 2006/6/6
Posts: 969
Re: Jude crashes in Ubuntu Linux
Thank you for your info Don.
I myself had ran JUDE using JDK 6 beta1 and I encountered exception errors few times.
Would you please send us a bug report if you ever had any exceptions? You might find ones that we have not even been aware of yet. We would appreciate it.

Thanks again.
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