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JUDE is exhibited in JavaOne 2006

Author: hiranabe (9:02 pm)
Change Vision, Inc. exhibited JUDE and TRICHORD(agile project dashboard) in JavaOne 2006.

There are 800 visitors to our booth and at least 300 saw our demonstration(I prepared only 300 T-shirts to give away to those who saw the demo), thank you very much.

Here are several topics I'd like to share with you.

1. "Kent Beck"(father of extreme programming) and Cindee(his wife) visited our booth and saw Mind Maps in JUDE. He said it was the most beautiful Mind Map tool, and Cindee said she liked the color.

2. In the Day3 general session, Erich Gamma(one of GoF, Eclipse lead, and JUnit pair programer of Kent) said that transparency, honesty, and project health are important to sustain a project. Our project dashboard product "TRICHORD" just designed to make project transparent and healthy. I should email to Erich Gamma!

3. "Artima developer" visited our booth to audio record my message.
Kenji Hiranabe, CEO of Change Vision, Inc., discusses the advantages of having developers push status to managers, rather than having managers pull status from developers. (3:11)

I just came home from JavaOne. wow, it is Sunday...
And my birthday was yesterday.
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