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     Feature request: "use center of element as element origin"

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Posted on: 2012/8/18 6:21
Just popping in
Joined: 2012/8/18
Posts: 4
Feature request: "use center of element as element origin"
This is just aesthetic, but when I'm laying out my diagrams, my connections often don't end up being straight lines because the software moves elements by using their upper left corner as the origin.

Can you please add an option in the alignment menu to use the center of elements as the origin?

That way when I am drawing a state machine, I can line elements up on the grid and connections between elements will be straight and lined up.

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Subject Poster Date
 » Feature request: "use center of element as element origin" cwm9 2012/8/18 6:21
     Re: Feature request: "use center of element as element origin" Joba 2012/8/20 13:36