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   /  Bug information about Astah
(Moderated by:webmaster)
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 Topic Replies
Poster Date
/ [Fixed]Unable t add trigger/guard to Transition originating from JoinPseudostate in Statemachine Dgm0
webmaster2014/2/10 16:38
by webmaster
/ [Fixed]Delimiter is missing in the C++ exported header file of Class which has multiple superclasses0
webmaster2010/5/20 11:59
by webmaster
/ [Fixed] Any association end "IAttribute"'s visibility is always "private" on astah* API0
webmaster2010/5/27 14:38
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.5]Attribute with Domain in ER Diagram loses its default value setting0
webmaster2011/8/11 22:59
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.4] [Export C++] does not export the friend functions correctly0
webmaster2010/12/7 10:50
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.4.1] [Depth Arrangement] menu does not work for some elements0
webmaster2011/5/24 3:00
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.4.1] Compatibility problem between .asta and Java 1.6.0_26 and earlier0
webmaster2011/7/1 4:21
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.3.1] [C++ Export] problem on superclass which defines a virtual destructor0
webmaster2010/12/7 10:00
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.3.1] Unable to change the color of textbox's rect outline0
webmaster2011/1/19 3:44
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.3.1] Static members are not declared as static upon executing [C++ Export]0
webmaster2010/12/7 10:40
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.3.1] Display problem on Requirement Table0
webmaster2010/12/9 3:59
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.2] [Show Port] menu does not apply for Components created from referenced projects0
webmaster2010/5/13 16:41
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.2] Wrong export of Virtual functions by [Export C++]0
webmaster2010/5/20 14:02
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.2] Transition line would not appear in the Statemachine Diagram0
webmaster2010/5/13 14:49
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.2] Namespace is not included in header file exported by [Export C++]0
webmaster2010/5/24 13:33
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.2] Message and its name of Communication Diagram do not appear on exported EMF image0
webmaster2010/4/6 5:31
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.2] Error when changing parent entity's primary key information in some cases0
webmaster2010/5/26 19:17
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.2] Entering "{}" in Association End's name directly in diagram throws an error0
webmaster2010/6/2 3:37
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.2] Compile error on [Export C++] of Class has attributes with initial values0
webmaster2010/5/20 14:16
by webmaster
/ [Fixed in ver 6.2] Class Name missing in the Skelton code generated by [Export C++]0
webmaster2010/5/20 14:45
by webmaster
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